Who we are

The Hanham Repair Cafe is run by a group of volunteers who have experience in repairing various everyday items. Some volunteers specialise in certain areas such as electrical, mechanical, or textile items with others having a broader, while not quite as deep knowledge of everything else. Jacks (and Jills!) of all trades.

We have a wide range of Repair Volunteers who endeavour to help you fix your broken item once a month, while we can’t guarantee to fix your item in that session we love a challenge and will give it our best shot, we may also be able to offer advice if we can’t help there and then.

We strive to create a welcome space for you to bring you items so we can help you fix it, this means in addition to attempting to fix your item we hope to share some of our knowledge with you, walking you through the steps we take while we try to fix your item, giving you the power to feel that you could have a go at fixing something yourself someday.

We’re a community of “neighbours” from engineers to garden shed tinkerers helping each other out to save money, create less waste, share knowledge and live more sustainably.

Repair Cafe events are free! However, if you can afford to, cash donations are always welcome to help cover our costs.

Where to Find Us

Hanham Repair Cafe
Christ Church
Church Road
BS15 3AE
United Kingdom